Leveled Red Mountain Creatures

Rather than pre-placing creatures, most encounters in the Red Mountain area will be with leveled creatures. The game takes the PC's level at the moment of entering the area and adds or subtracts the appropriate number and pulls a random creature that is less than or equal to the modified level. If there is no such creature on the list, no creature will be spawned.

Exterior Red Mountain Creatures - All
+0 -2 +2 Creature
1 1 3 Corprus Stalker
1 1 3 Ash Slave
1 1 3 Blighted Rat
8 6 10 Lame Corprus
8 6 10 Ash Zombie
8 6 10 Blighted Cliff Racer
11 9 13 Hunger
12 10 14 Daedroth
15 13 17 Ash Ghoul
15 13 17 Ogrim Titan
25 23 27 Ascended Sleeper

Exterior Red Mountain Sleep Creatures (your personal alarm clocks)
+0 -2 +2 Creature
1 n/a n/a Corprus Stalker
1 n/a n/a Ash Slave
1 n/a n/a Blighted Rat
8 n/a n/a Lame Corprus
8 n/a n/a Ash Zombie
11 n/a n/a Hunger
12 n/a n/a Daedroth
15 n/a n/a Ash Ghoul
15 n/a n/a Ogrim Titan
25 n/a n/a Ascended Sleeper