Ebony Blade

Daedra Prince:  Mephala

Summoning Date:  13th of Frostfall

Description:  The Ebony Blade, sometimes called the Vampire or the Leech, resembles an ebony katana, and its power is very dark indeed. Every time the Ebony Blade strikes an opponent, part of the damage inflicted flows into the wielder as raw power. The Blade itself may not be any more evil than those who have used it, but at some point in its history, a charm was cast on it so it would not remain with any one bladesman for long. The wizard who cast this charm sought to save the souls of any too infatuated by the Blade, and perhaps he was right to do so. Spells: Far silence, vampiric touch, and energy leech

Comments:  A very nifty artifact for those without access to an Item-Maker.  It's great to be healed while taking damage.  If you have access to an Item-Maker, forego this one in favor of your own concoction.